Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Updated Blog

This blog used to be called Traveling Artist and Other Ramblings. I originally created this blog to share my travels with my family and friends. But I've been concentrating on my ceramics and want to promote that aspect of my life. I've created photo stream of my work. I've been very busy this fall. I find I have many things to accomplish in the promotion of my work. I am flowing the advice from a Shapeways Blog posting by by Andrew Price. His advice is thus:
Step 1: Get a Blog
Step 2: Make a Short Film
Step 3: Make a Tutorial
Step 4: Be a Real Person
Step 5: Expose Yourself
Step 6: Get Published

I have to say in this day and age, I have no excuse not to promote myself. I have so many free services available. Google is a perfect example. This blog and a website have been in my name for over year. But only in the last three months have things taken off. So now I have something to say!

On to the next step on the list!

Step 2: Make a Short Film: I'll do a pit fire demonstration. TBA