Thursday, April 12, 2012

Armonic Art Show

My next show will be at Ray and Trina's house in Alamo Heights. They are a wonderful couple who have opened their home to artists, poets and musicians for a two night event. I was part of their show last year and we talked about doing a pitfire for their next show. Well here we are a year later and soon we will be setting some pots on fire! Saturday I aka it the Pit Princess will be setting some pots on fire on April 21. Pots will be prepped around 6 pm and the fire time is approximately 7 pm. This is an alternative firing process that creates wonderful colors on the surface of the clay. The reveal will happen approximately 9:30. Sarah is inviting ceramic artists to bring a bisque pot to the event and join in on the experience. I will also be selling my work there too. On Friday April 20th and 21st I  will join other artists as guests at Trina and Ray's home. Donate to their worthy cause of pet food bank. Bring pet food for Daisy Care pet food program. 
1511 Sandlewood 78209 6 to 10