Saturday, August 20, 2011

Busy morning

I have to say having deadlines can keep a person busy. I have an art show next weekend. I need to deliver new work tomorrow. Labor Day weekend also has a show I'm participating in. This too will needs new work. So today I decided to build the sawdust kiln I've been thinking about. It is based on the idea of the downdraft barrel kiln I used this summer at Southwest School of Art. Only I wanted to use my kiln brick.

Found an old furnace base and used it as my platform. I suppose I could have made it bigger off the concrete, but I kind of liked the idea so I'm trying it. I used kiln shelves and built the walls using kiln brick from my pit fire box. I felt a bit like the Egyptians when they stole brick from the pyramids to build there homes.

I'll fire it up tomorrow to see if it works. I tried using clay I got from a brick yard to help seal up the chimney area. It probably will flake off. But who knows?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Yesterday I presented to the Potters Guild what I learned from the Alternative Firing Techniques class I took at Southwest School of Art. I received a scholarship for the class through the Guild. Taking this class allowed to learn so much this summer. The class conducted different types of raku: Horse Hair, traditional raku and naked raku. We did a saggar and downdraft barrel firings. Each created unique surface textures. I began using porcelain clay for the first time. Saggar and barrel firings created similar results from my pit fires. Barrel is so much easier!

I also took a wheel throwing class. Things finally started to click at creating the form. I'm throwing more upright to help save my back. I am pleased with the forms I got in porcelain.