Saturday, August 20, 2011

Busy morning

I have to say having deadlines can keep a person busy. I have an art show next weekend. I need to deliver new work tomorrow. Labor Day weekend also has a show I'm participating in. This too will needs new work. So today I decided to build the sawdust kiln I've been thinking about. It is based on the idea of the downdraft barrel kiln I used this summer at Southwest School of Art. Only I wanted to use my kiln brick.

Found an old furnace base and used it as my platform. I suppose I could have made it bigger off the concrete, but I kind of liked the idea so I'm trying it. I used kiln shelves and built the walls using kiln brick from my pit fire box. I felt a bit like the Egyptians when they stole brick from the pyramids to build there homes.

I'll fire it up tomorrow to see if it works. I tried using clay I got from a brick yard to help seal up the chimney area. It probably will flake off. But who knows?


Kimberly Spencer said...

Looks awesome. Let me know how it works!

Kimberly Spencer said...

It looks awesome! Let us know how it works. :)